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Balancing Explicit and Inquiry-Based Learning for Math Intervention

A teacher writes algebra equations on a whiteboard while students take notes in a classroom setting.


Finding effective strategies to support diverse student needs in mathematics is a critical challenge for educational leaders. Among the various methodologies available, explicit and inquiry-based learning are two dominant approaches that offer distinct benefits and can significantly shape how students engage with mathematical concepts. As school and district leaders work to close achievement gaps and enhance student outcomes, understanding the strengths and applications of these methods is essential.

Explicit learning, characterized by direct and structured teaching, provides clarity and step-by-step guidance, making it particularly effective for students needing more foundational skills support. According to a National Center for Intensive Intervention study, explicit instruction is highly effective for building foundational knowledge and ensuring students master key mathematical concepts. It emphasizes modeling, guided practice, and immediate feedback, which is crucial for reinforcing learning and correcting misconceptions early on.

In contrast, inquiry-based learning empowers students to explore mathematical ideas through questioning, investigation, and problem-solving. This approach encourages deep understanding and critical thinking, allowing students to construct their own knowledge. Research shows that while inquiry-based learning fosters engagement and curiosity, its effectiveness depends on students' prior knowledge and readiness to engage in self-directed exploration.

Blending these two approaches can create a more dynamic and effective math intervention program. By integrating the structured support of explicit learning with the exploratory nature of inquiry-based learning, educators can provide students with both the foundation and the critical thinking skills they need to succeed in mathematics. 

Understanding Explicit Learning in Math

Definition and Key Characteristics:

Explicit learning is a structured, teacher-centered approach to instruction emphasizing clear, direct teaching of mathematical concepts and procedures. This method involves the teacher modeling problem-solving steps, providing guided practice, and eventually transitioning to independent student work. The goal is to ensure that students grasp and apply foundational skills accurately and efficiently.

Explicit instruction is particularly effective for building a solid mathematical foundation. It involves breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable steps and teaching them sequentially. This method also includes frequent opportunities for students to respond and receive immediate feedback, which helps reinforce correct understanding and promptly address misconceptions ​(The Science of Math).


  1. Clarity and Structure: Explicit learning provides a clear, step-by-step pathway to understanding mathematical concepts, making it especially beneficial for students who struggle with math. This clarity helps prevent confusion and ensures students build a solid foundation before moving on to more complex topics.
  2. Efficiency: Because explicit instruction focuses on directly teaching specific skills and knowledge, it can be more time-efficient than other approaches. Teachers can cover a wide range of material systematically, ensuring all necessary content is addressed within the available instructional time.
  3. Control: Teachers maintain control over the pace and sequence of instruction, allowing them to tailor lessons to the class's needs. This is particularly important when working with students with varying prior knowledge levels or who require additional support to master key concepts.
  4. Immediate Feedback: One of the core components of explicit learning is providing immediate feedback and correction. This helps students understand their mistakes in real-time and reinforces correct procedures, which is crucial for mastering foundational skills.

Effective Strategies:

  1. Modeling: Teachers demonstrate how to solve problems step-by-step, explaining each part of the process. This method allows students to see the exact steps needed to complete a task, reducing uncertainty and building confidence.
  2. Guided Practice: After modeling, teachers engage students in guided practice, working on similar problems with the teacher’s support. This scaffolded approach helps students transition from passive observation to active participation, ensuring they can apply what they’ve learned with some guidance.
  3. Scaffolding: Gradual release of responsibility from teacher to student is a key aspect of explicit learning. Teachers initially provide significant support and then gradually reduce assistance as students become more confident and proficient.
  4. Drill and Practice: Repetitive practice helps reinforce fundamental skills. This strategy is particularly effective for memorizing basic facts and procedures, such as multiplication tables or algebraic formulas.

Best Use Cases:

Explicit learning is particularly beneficial in several scenarios:

  • Introducing New Concepts: When students encounter new mathematical ideas for the first time, explicit instruction provides the necessary structure and guidance to ensure they understand the foundational aspects before moving on to more complex applications​.
  • Teaching Foundational Skills: Explicit instruction offers a clear pathway to mastery for students who need precise and accurate understanding, such as those struggling with basic arithmetic or algebra.
  • Providing Clear Guidance and Structure: When students need explicit directions to follow, this approach minimizes confusion and ensures that all students are on the same page, especially in heterogeneous classrooms with varying levels of prior knowledge​(Understood).

Explicit learning is important in math intervention because it provides the structured support that many students need to develop a solid mathematical foundation. When used effectively, it can lay the groundwork for more complex problem-solving and analytical thinking, which can be expanded through inquiry-based learning methods. Next, we’ll explore how inquiry-based learning contrasts with and complements explicit instruction to create a more comprehensive approach to math education.

Exploring Inquiry-Based Learning in Math

Definition and Key Characteristics:

Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered approach that emphasizes exploration, questioning, and problem-solving. Rather than being passive recipients of information, students are actively engaged in constructing their own understanding of mathematical concepts. This method encourages learners to ask questions, investigate problems, and develop solutions through exploration and collaboration, fostering a deeper and more meaningful grasp of mathematical principles.

In an inquiry-based lesson, the role of the teacher shifts from being the sole provider of knowledge to a facilitator who guides students through the learning process. This approach can be particularly effective in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as it requires students to actively engage with the material and apply their knowledge in new and complex situations ​(SpringerLink).


  1. Engagement and Motivation: Inquiry-based learning promotes active participation and curiosity by allowing students to explore topics that interest them. This engagement can lead to increased motivation and a more positive attitude towards learning mathematics.
  2. Development of Critical Thinking Skills: By encouraging students to ask questions, investigate, and draw conclusions, this approach fosters the development of higher-order thinking skills. Students learn to analyze information, recognize patterns, and make connections between different mathematical concepts.
  3. Deep Understanding: Inquiry-based learning emphasizes understanding over rote memorization. As students explore mathematical concepts and discover relationships on their own, they are more likely to retain and apply their knowledge in different contexts.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: Many inquiry-based activities involve group work, where students collaborate to solve problems and discuss their findings. This collaboration enhances communication skills and allows students to learn from their peers, gaining diverse perspectives on mathematical problems.

Effective Strategies:

  1. Problem-Based Learning (PBL): In PBL, students are presented with real-world problems that require them to apply mathematical concepts to find solutions. This approach not only reinforces mathematical skills but also helps students see the relevance of math in everyday life.
  2. Project-Based Learning: Long-term projects allow students to delve deeply into a topic, integrating multiple mathematical concepts and skills. For example, students might design a budget for a school event or build models to understand geometric principles.
  3. Socratic Seminars: In these guided discussions, students ask and answer questions to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts. This method encourages students to think critically and articulate their reasoning, enhancing both comprehension and communication skills.
  4. Exploratory Activities: Hands-on activities and experiments allow students to discover mathematical principles through observation and manipulation. For instance, students might use manipulatives to explore fractions or graph different functions to see how changes in equations affect their shapes.

Best Use Cases:

Inquiry-based learning is particularly effective in the following scenarios:

  • Exploring Complex, Open-Ended Problems: This approach is ideal for tackling problems with no single correct answer, encouraging students to think creatively and consider multiple solutions. It is especially useful in topics such as data analysis, probability, and geometry, where students can explore patterns and relationships.
  • Encouraging Connections Between Concepts: Inquiry-based learning helps students make connections between different areas of mathematics, as well as between math and other subjects. For example, students might explore the relationship between algebra and geometry by investigating how algebraic equations can represent geometric shapes.
  • Developing Reasoning and Justification Skills: This method promotes reasoning and justification, which are essential for higher-level mathematics. By explaining their thought processes and defending their solutions, students develop a deeper understanding and become more proficient in mathematical argumentation.

While inquiry-based learning has many benefits, it also requires careful planning and facilitation. Teachers must ensure that students have the necessary foundational knowledge to engage in meaningful exploration and that the learning environment supports inquiry. When implemented effectively, inquiry-based learning can transform the math classroom into a dynamic space where students are empowered to take ownership of their learning and develop a lifelong love of mathematics.

Next, we’ll explore how these two approaches—explicit learning and inquiry-based learning—can be combined to create a balanced and effective math intervention strategy that meets the needs of all students.
Young girl with glasses, writing notes while looking at a smartphone, with a laptop and a globe in the background.


Comparative Analysis: Explicit vs. Inquiry-Based Learning

Educational leaders and teachers often face the challenge of choosing between explicit and inquiry-based learning when designing math intervention programs. While both approaches have their distinct benefits, understanding when and how to use each can make a significant difference in student outcomes. 

Strengths and Limitations

Explicit Learning:

  • Strengths: As discussed earlier, explicit learning excels in providing clear, structured guidance that is especially beneficial for students who need additional support with foundational skills. This approach is well-suited for introducing new concepts and ensuring that all students achieve a basic level of competency. Research supports its effectiveness, particularly for students who struggle with mathematics, as it reduces cognitive load by breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps and providing immediate feedback and correction.
  • Limitations: While explicit learning is effective for skill acquisition, it can sometimes lead to surface-level understanding if not followed up with opportunities for deeper exploration. The step-by-step nature of this approach might limit opportunities for students to engage in creative problem-solving or make connections between different mathematical concepts ​(NCTM).

Inquiry-Based Learning:

  • Strengths: Inquiry-based learning shines in promoting engagement, curiosity, and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. It encourages students to explore, ask questions, and discover solutions, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This method can be particularly effective for advanced learners or when exploring open-ended problems that require higher-order thinking skills​(
  • Limitations: The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning heavily depends on students' prior knowledge and their ability to engage in self-directed learning. For students who lack foundational skills or need more guidance, this approach can be overwhelming and frustrating. Additionally, the teacher requires careful planning and facilitation to ensure that all students are supported and engaged throughout the learning process.

Contextual Considerations

When deciding between explicit and inquiry-based learning, several contextual factors should be considered:

  1. Student Readiness: For students who lack foundational skills or struggle with math, explicit instruction may be most impactful in building a solid base before moving on to more exploratory activities. Conversely, students who have already mastered the basics can benefit from the challenge and autonomy offered by inquiry-based learning.
  2. Learning Objectives: If the goal is to teach specific procedures or foundational knowledge, explicit learning is more effective. For objectives that focus on developing problem-solving skills, critical thinking, or understanding complex concepts, inquiry-based learning may be more appropriate.

Integrating Both Approaches

A blended approach that combines the strengths of both explicit and inquiry-based learning can provide a more holistic math intervention program. Here’s how to integrate the two effectively:

  1. Start with Explicit Instruction: Begin new units or topics with explicit instruction to introduce key concepts and procedures. This ensures that all students have a common understanding and are equipped with the necessary skills to engage in more complex tasks later on.
  2. Transition to Inquiry-Based Activities: Once students have a solid grasp of the basics, introduce inquiry-based activities that allow them to explore, apply, and extend their knowledge. This can include problem-based learning, projects, or exploratory activities that challenge students to think critically and make connections between different concepts.
  3. Use Checks for Understanding to Guide Instruction: Regularly assess student understanding and use this data to adjust the balance between explicit and inquiry-based instruction. For example, if assessments show that students are struggling with basic skills, more explicit instruction may be needed. If students demonstrate mastery, you can incorporate more inquiry-based activities.
  4. Differentiate Instruction: Recognize that different students may benefit from different approaches. While some may need more direct instruction, others may thrive in an inquiry-based setting. Differentiating your instructional approach can help meet the diverse needs of all learners.

Balancing explicit and inquiry-based learning in math intervention requires understanding the unique benefits and applications of each approach and using them in tandem to meet the diverse needs of students. Explicit learning offers the structure and support necessary for mastering foundational skills, while inquiry-based learning fosters engagement, curiosity, and deeper understanding.

Ultimately, the goal is to equip students with both the foundational skills and the critical thinking abilities they need to thrive in mathematics and beyond. With thoughtful planning and a commitment to ongoing improvement, educational leaders can ensure that their schools and districts are well-prepared to support all students in reaching their full potential.
This article was written with the support of AI.

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