BookNook Insights

Checklist for Enhancing Virtual Tutoring Success


Careful planning and preparation are key for virtual tutoring sessions to be successful. Drawing from valuable feedback provided by our BookNook tutors, we have compiled a comprehensive checklist of essential tips to ensure that your virtual tutoring sessions are engaging, productive, and enjoyable for both you and your students.

Before sessions begin

Before diving into the virtual tutoring sessions, laying the groundwork for success is essential. First and foremost, ensure that each student’s reading skills align with the tutoring group they are enrolled in. Matching students’ needs with the appropriate program will maximize their learning experience. Additionally, take the time to familiarize students with the platform. Provide guidance on logging in and navigating the video conferencing and learning platforms, including important features such as muting and unmuting microphones, activating cameras, and utilizing screen-sharing capabilities.

Download the Checklist

This is an image of a checklist to use for virtual tutoring success.

Establishing clear session norms is crucial for maintaining engagement and participation. Communicate expectations to students, emphasizing the importance of having their cameras and microphones on during sessions. This creates an interactive and collaborative learning environment. When scheduling tutoring sessions, choose when students will likely be most focused, minimizing potential distractions. This will enhance their ability to concentrate and actively participate.

Prior to each session

As the session approaches, send reminders to parents or students regarding the date and time of the tutoring session, particularly if it falls outside of regular school hours. It is also essential to ensure that students’ devices are in good working order and adequately charged before the session starts. Prompt students to log in a few minutes early to address any last-minute technical issues and ensure a timely start.

During tutoring sessions

During the virtual tutoring sessions, create an environment conducive to learning. Assist students in finding a distraction-free space and encourage using noise-canceling headphones, if available. Optimizing seating arrangements by having students position themselves with a wall behind them and off to the side of the class can minimize visual distractions and help maintain focus. Be prepared to provide technical support whenever students encounter barriers. Promptly addressing these issues ensures a seamless learning experience.

After sessions

After each tutoring session, take the time to connect with students and discuss their progress toward their goals. Engaging in meaningful conversations fosters a sense of accountability and allows for ongoing assessment of their growth. Offering constructive feedback is equally important. Highlight students’ achievements and areas for improvement, providing guidance that encourages further development. Celebrating successes and acknowledging their efforts contribute to their motivation and engagement.

Lastly, encourage students to report any technical difficulties they may encounter by submitting a support ticket. Addressing these issues promptly will minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth learning experience.

BookNook, a pioneering synchronous online learning platform, is reshaping the education landscape by combining cutting-edge technology with small-group instruction and virtual tutoring. Our mission is to provide all students access to high-quality and engaging instruction regardless of location or circumstances. Recognizing that learning goes beyond technology and resources, BookNook strongly emphasizes support and guidance for students.